IP Pricing


Those who attend and signup at workshop receive a $50 discount = $375*


  • First two weeks of Ideal Protein meals
  • First round of vitamins
  • Weekly consults for the first month
  • Body Composition Analysis for the first month
  • Daily Video instruction and support

Free monthly workshops for those interested in the diet will be held on the first Tuesday of the month from 6–7pm, at Central Family Practice with follow up first visits scheduled within a week of the initial workshop.



Cost for Ideal Protein food (average of $100 per/week depending on how many and which meals purchased) and a $7 coaching fee per visit.


  • Weekly protein supplemental foods
  • Weekly consult / weigh-in support
  • Lean Body mass scans
  • Daily Video instruction / support
  • Week Supply of Ideal Protein Food

We also accept transfers from other clinics!


Add-ons to program, if desired: